Executive Search & Mid Level Hiring

Connecting the right people with the right roles drives productivity, happiness and retention. Understand what really motivates your people, and try new ways of hiring to meet your changing business needs.

Executive Search

At SaShr we specialize in executive search services designed to help organizations to identify and attract top-tier talent for senior leadership roles. Our executive search team combines industry expertise, extensive networks, and proven methodologies to deliver exceptional results for our clients.

How is our approach different?

  • Stringent pre-mandate evaluation leads to heightened positive appreciation of the client company and role on offer.
  • In-depth understanding of client’s culture, strategy and business processes ensures accurate fitment
  • SHL Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ) evaluation for the top 3 shortlisted candidate.
  • Customized approach to each executive search assignment, tailoring our strategies to meet the specific needs and objectives of our clients.
  • Maintain strict confidentiality throughout the process to protect the privacy of both our clients and candidates.
  • Comprehensive support and guidance to our clients at every step of the way from initial consultation to candidate onboarding, ensuring a smooth and successful executive search process.

Mid Level Hiring

At SaShr, we understand that mid-level hiring is a critical component of your organization’s success. Unlike generic recruitment agencies, we specialize in mid-level hiring. Our team has deep expertise and experience in sourcing, evaluating, and placing mid-level professionals across various industries and functional areas.

We believe in quality over quantity. Our rigorous screening process ensures that we present only the most qualified candidates who meet your criteria and cultural fit requirements. We conduct thorough interviews, assessments, and reference checks to evaluate candidates’ skills, experience, and suitability for the role.

How is our approach different?

  • SaShr Consultants are strictly drawn from the client industry- it reduces the learning curve about the nuances of the industry.
  • Robust Applicant Tracking System (ATS) ensures we deliver quality candidates in the fastest possible time.
  • We maintain an ever-growing repository of Job Descriptions for almost all possible functions, levels and roles, to enable faster turnaround time for the client company.
  • Communication is key to a successful partnership. We keep you informed at every stage of the hiring process, providing regular updates, feedback, and insights to ensure transparency and alignment.
  • Ultimately, our success is measured by your success. We are results-driven and focused on delivering tangible results that make a real difference to your organization. Whether you’re looking to fill a single mid-level position or scale your team, we’re here to help you achieve your hiring goals.

Frequency and Bulk Hiring

At SaShr, we understand that rapid growth and fluctuating demand can pose unique challenges when it comes to hiring. That’s why we offer Frequency and Bulk Hiring Solutions tailored to help you scale your workforce quickly and effectively, without compromising on quality.

Our Approach to Frequency and Bulk Hiring:

Agile Recruitment methodologies to adapt quickly to changing hiring needs and market conditions. Our team is equipped to handle high-volume recruitment projects with speed, agility, and precision.

Whether you need to hire a handful of candidates or hundreds of employees, we have the resources and capabilities to scale our services to meet your needs. Our extensive network, robust infrastructure, and streamlined processes enable us to handle bulk hiring projects efficiently and effectively.

We proactively source and engage with candidates using a variety of channels, social media platforms, talent databases, and industry networks. Our proactive approach ensures that we have a steady pipeline of qualified candidates ready to meet your hiring needs.

We take a customized approach, working closely with you to understand your specific needs, timelines, and budget constraints. Our solutions are tailored to align with your business goals and deliver results that exceed your expectations.

How is our approach different?

  • Standardized Processes and Automation for sourcing, sorting, shortlisting and presentation of candidates to clients.
  • We maintain a pool of pre -screened candidates from previous hiring cycles to fill positions quicky.
  • We monitor client wise Key Performance Indicators such as time to fill, interview and offer drops, quality, and frequency of communication between the client and the candidates.
  • On Behalf of the client, we take up anciliarly work such as newspaper & FM adverts, driving walkins and managing logistics and spot offers.

We have the answers to your most pressing business challenges.

How do we build a long-term talent strategy in the changing market?

How do we compete for same pool of top talent?

How do we create positive candidate experience & enhance employer brand reputation?

How do we recruit diverse talent pool and create inclusive practices?

Where will we find candidates with the skills we need for future?

How will we manage and analyse data with disparate systems and databases?

Contact us

Ready to take your HR processes to the next level with HR technology solutions? Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you leverage technology to optimize your HR operations and drive organizational success.

How do we build a long-term talent strategy in the changing market?

Don’t wait to react to market changes. Be proactive now.

·        Understand Market Trends, conduct regular market research and analysis to identify emerging talent needs and skill gaps. We at SaShr, continuously invest in research and benchmarking activities to deliver excellent results to our clients.

·        Develop Employer Branding by highlighting your company culture, values, career development opportunities, and employee benefits to appeal to prospective candidates. We will help to give prominence to all that differentiates your organization from competitors.

·        Embracing and adopting agile Recruitment Practices allows to respond quickly to changing market conditions and talent needs. We at SaShr utilize data analytics, automation, and AI-driven tools to identify top talent, and help you make data-driven hiring decisions.

·        Proactively building and maintaining a talent pipeline of potential candidates for key roles within your organization. We use robust Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to maintain a ready pool of qualified candidates for future opportunities.

The more agile your talent strategy, the easier it’ll be to scale up and down quickly—so you can rise to short term challenges today and capitalize on opportunities for growth that come your way tomorrow.

How can we help?

We can give you the complete picture of the people you have and the people you need—honing your employer brand and shaping your employee experience. The result? People who join motivated, and stay motivated.

How do we compete for same pool of top talent?

Ensure faster turnaround time. Be agile.

  • Make it easy for candidates to apply for positions within your organization by streamlining the recruitment process. We at SaShr use user-friendly application systems, provide prompt feedback to candidates, and minimize unnecessary steps to keep the process efficient and candidate-friendly.
  • Provide a positive and personalized candidate experience from the initial application stage to onboarding. We at SaShr communicate transparently with candidates, keep them informed throughout the process, and ensure a smooth transition into the organization.
  • Stay informed about your competitors’ talent acquisition strategies, employer branding efforts, and compensation packages. We use our market intelligence to benchmark your practices and identify areas where you differentiate and leverage to popularise the same.
  • Proactively identify and engage with passive candidates who may not be actively seeking new opportunities but possess valuable skills and experience. We at SaShr believe in building relationships with these passive candidates over time through networking events, industry conferences, and professional associations.

When you’re clear on your goals, getting expert guidance on the market inclinations will help you see which are whims and which have the potential to fast forward your organisations need and success.

How can we help?

Ready to find exceptional talent for your organization? Contact us today to learn more about our search services and how we can help you achieve your hiring goals and stay ahead of competition.

How do we create positive candidate experience & enhance employer brand reputation?

Adapt and Evolve your strategies to meet the changing needs of candidates.

  • Tailor your interactions with candidates to make them feel valued and respected. We believe in personalizing communication to the interests and experiences of the candidates.
  • Create a positive interview experience for candidates by providing a clear agenda for the interview, and ensuring that interviewers are prepared and engaged. We at SaShr offer feedback and guidance to help candidates prepare for interviews and act as agent for organisations to convey their feedback possitively.
  • Highlight your company culture, values, and employer brand in all communication channels. We share stories, testimonials, and employee experiences to provide insight into what it’s like to work at your organization to increase positivity in the candidates.
  • Ensure that your employer brand messaging is consistent across all channels, including your website, social media, job postings, and recruitment materials. Consistency helps to reinforce your brand identity and build trust with candidates.
  • We actively seek feedback from candidates about their recruitment experience. Use surveys, interviews, to gather feedback and identify areas for improvement. This feedback is uesd to make continuous enhancements to the candidate experience.

Who’s looking after the candidates in your business? You might instinctively think that the only way to keep the process personal is for each recruiter to spend time with each candidate. In reality, there are many ways to achieve your hiring goals as long as you have a strategic and dedicated focus on candidate care.

How can we help?

Ready to find exceptional talent for your organization? Contact us today to learn more about our search services and how we can help you achieve your hiring goals and stay ahead of competition.

How do we recruit diverse talent pool and create inclusive practices?

Ensure you’re not just saying the right things on inclusivity, you’re walking the talk too.


  • Foster an inclusive culture within your organization by promoting open communication, respect, and acceptance of diverse perspectives and backgrounds. We at SaShr have trained recruiters and managers on unconscious bias, cultural competency, and inclusive practices to promote organisations with D&I practices.
  • Evaluate your recruitment practices to identify and remove any barriers to diversity and inclusion. We use gender-neutral language in job descriptions, implement blind resume screening to reduce unconscious bias, and ensure diverse representation on initial screening and interview panel.
  • Broaden your sourcing channels to reach a more diverse pool of candidates. We at SaShr have partnered with diversity-focused organizations, attend diversity job fairs and networking events, and leverage social media platforms to connect with underrepresented talent communities.

How can we help?

Ready to accelerate the DEI journeys of your organisation? Contact us today to experience diversity networks, professional associations, and affinity groups to tap into their talent pools.

Where will we find candidates with the skills we need for future?

Ensure you discover your organisation’s critical skills for long term success.

  • Skills Gap Analysis: Conduct a thorough assessment of your organization’s current and future skill requirements. Identify the skills that will be critical for success in the future based on industry trends, technological advancements, and business objectives.
  • Talent Pipelining: Build a talent pipeline of potential candidates with the skills you need for the future. Engage with passive candidates through networking, social media, and industry events. Develop relationships with universities, professional associations, and talent communities to identify emerging talent.
  • Collaborate with Educational Institutions: Partner with educational institutions, vocational schools, and training providers to develop programs that align with your future skill requirements. Offer internships, apprenticeships, and co-op programs to provide students with hands-on experience and cultivate future talent pipelines.
  • Focus on Potential and Transferable Skills: Look for candidates who demonstrate potential and possess transferable skills that can be adapted to future roles within your organization. Prioritize candidates with a growth mindset, adaptability, and a willingness to learn and develop new skills.

Whether you’re hiring or promoting, make sure you’re looking forward to what someone could do, rather than back at roles they’ve had before.

How can we help?

Find out how refocusing your talent acquisition processes to prioritize work skills can help future-proof your organization. Contact us today to know more.

How will we manage and analyse data with disparate systems and databases?

Let Data not overwhelm you, but help you with the right outcome.

  • Identify all the sources of data relevant to the talent acquisition process, including applicant tracking systems (ATS), spreadsheets, email communication, and job boards and social media platforms. We help our clients centralize these data sources to create a single source of truth for recruitment data.
  • Cleanse and deduplicate data to remove errors, inconsistencies, and duplicate records that may arise from disparate systems. We use data cleansing tools and techniques to standardize formats, correct inaccuracies, and eliminate redundant information ensuring you get holistic data that is required to make hiring decisions.
  • Apply various data analysis techniques, such as descriptive analytics, predictive analytics, and prescriptive analytics, to derive insights from recruitment data. Use statistical analysis, data mining, and machine learning algorithms to identify patterns, trends, and opportunities for improvement.

With an ever-evolving operational environment posing new challenges in redefining work, flexible arrangements organisations — now, more than ever — need to use data strategically and reset the talent priorities with a refreshed strategy has increased.

How can we help?

We can give you the complete picture of the data at all stages of hiring – helping you make informed decisions. The result? Good Candidates and right fit